King's Mead Christmas 2021 Quiz

(Set by Erick Curzon, Earl Howe)

Perhaps inevitably this quiz relates to the post-Shilcock era King's Mead, predominantly 1958-1966


1.     A barograph. (5)

2.     Mr Pettit and Mr Payne. (5 for either name; bonus 5 for both)

3.     One of the Tweedie brothers. (3)

4.     Red (2) because of the visit to the school in 1935 by HM King George V (3). (5 total)

5.     Tilly; and Pipkin, respectively (4 total)

6.     Dr Sutton. (4)

7.     Any of: Bulls, Ravens, Owls, Otters, Tigers, Panthers. (1 mark each, maximum 4)

8.     Horris Hill (5)

9.     Miss Russworm (5) The final ritual was to line us all up in front of the fireplace and get us to bow. At this juncture Miss Russworm would intone: “No camels!” (Bonus 5).

10.  The Plumer Cup and the Preston Cup. (5 marks)

11. Mr Lash; and Major Stewart (5)

12. There was a wide choice, but examples were: candy cigarettes; sherbet fountains; penny chews; Polo mints; plain Smiths crisps with the small blue pouch of salt; and small bars of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk. (2 marks each)

13. a) Abbot and Costello go to Mars; b) The Battle of the River Plate; c) Genevieve; d) Crooks Anonymous.

14. a) The murder of Becket b) King Alfred the Great c) The Spanish Armada d) The Black Death (2 marks each)

15. (a) Sidney James; (b) David Jacobs; (c) Basil Dearden; (d) The Kabaka of Buganda; (e) The King of Thailand. (5 for any 2). The wife of (c) was the actress, Melissa Stribling. (Bonus 2)

16. Examples: Scott, Methuen, Nelson, Wolseley, Keyes, Wellington, Roberts, Kitchener, Beatty, Drake, Haig, Churchill. (2 marks each, maximum 6 marks)

17. “The Hundred Words” (5)

18.  Mr Watling and Mr Clipstone respectively (5 for naming one).

19.  St Aubyn’s. The playing fields, unlike those at KM, were on a terrible slope (5). The headmaster was Hampton Jervis (bonus 5).

20. “God be with you till we meet again” (5)


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