King's Mead School reunion dinner on 25th April 2014

The guest list so far (13/3/14)

Peter Arbuthnot

James and Beth Birdwood

John and Jacqueline Birdwood

Paul Bowerman

Rupert Bravery

Christopher and Sarah Cornell

David Davison

Michael and Jenny Gambier

Charles Gross

Alan and Diana Hissey

Nick Humble

Diana Humble (guest)

Frederick and Elizabeth Howe

Peter and Christina Ingram

Ian and Bridget Ker

Peter Kerruish

Stephen and Cathy Kerruish

Robert and Mrs Mackenzie

Digby and Antoinette Mackworth

David and Maxine Maxwell

Sir John and Lady Nott

Michael Nicholson

Mr and Mrs Michael Olliff-Lee

Richard Payne

Tim Peshall

Val and Gina Powell

Lord and Lady Seaford

Christopher Shaw

Michael and Elisabeth Shellim

Charles Toop (and possibly the good Mrs Toop)















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