
I am immensely grateful to have been loaned the two albums carefully put together by Peter and Jane Barrett during the last year of King's Mead School, including photographs of all the painted wooden panels giving names of all those who had been at the school as well as many images of the school buildings and members of staff. These albums also hold potted histories of both the school and of the chapel as well as lists of those whose memorials are to be found in the chapel and lists of those who had presented leaving gifts to the school

The Seaford Museum and Heritage Society has been invaluable in allowing access to archive material, including the Leaver's Book in which most if not all the boys leaving the school are named along with the schools to which they subsequently went. Kay Turvey, Mick Barrett, David Taylor, Pat Berry and other members of the Society have been very patient and helpful in providing me with useful information as well as taking time to scan images for the web site from photographs held in the museum. I am grateful to Pat Berry for the gift of some slides she took of an old scrap book of King's Mead. The coffee was also very welcome.

For those turning out their attics the Museum might well be very interested in any archivable material relating to King's Mead.

Seaford Museum and Heritage Society
P.O.Box 2132
The Esplanade

East Sussex BN25 9BH
Tel: 01323 898222


web site:

Many others, who have provided either invaluable help, advice, information about Old Boys and/or material to put on the web site, include:-

Mrs Claude Allenby
" His Honour Marcus
......Anwyl-Davies QC
Bob Armitage
Jane and Peter Barrett
Claudia Beamish
Peter Bowles
Erick Curzon (Earl Howe)
David Davison
Jim Dunn
Martin de Laszlo
Julian Fitzherbert
Richard Garland
Robert Gibbs
Richard Grievson
Martin Gwynne
Ben Halligan
Brigadier Tony Heywood
John Hissey
Hon Maurice .....Howard
Euan Houstoun
Ann Hubbard  (nee Sandeman)
Peter Ingram
John James
Peter Kerruish
Stephen Kerruish
Lord Keyes
Chris Laughton
Hugh Lee
John Leigh
Barry Lewis
Ian McAlpine
Stephen Mackenzie
Sir Digby Mackworth
Michael McInnes-Skinner
Henry Osmaston
Geoffrey Paton-Pollitt
John Previte
Ian Robertson
Michael Shellim
Nigel Slater
John Spencer-Smith
Richard Steel
Nick Taylor
Andrew Thomson
Sir Lawrence Verney
Richard Wall
Paul Williams
Mrs M Williams

Special thanks to Earl Howe (Erick Curzon) for both the quizes that he produced (2002, 2021) from his phenomenal memory.

Many others have also offered their advice and services, which we will readily use when the time comes.

I am grateful to Lynda Felton-Scott of Westminster Healthcare, Manager at St Mary's Nursing Home, for her help in allowing many of us to visit the chapel and school buildings and, in particular, allowing me to retrieve the named wooden panels that used to be in the dining room as well as a number of the chapel chairs which I hope to be able to return to the families whose predecessors presented them to the school.

We are also immensely grateful to Barratt Developments who generously set aside a corner of the King's Mead estate and created within it the King's Mead Memorial Garden in order to commemorate the school and those pupils who later gave their lives in World War II.

Little of this web site and none of the efforts to preserve the Chapel and memorials would have been achieved without the many hours, phone calls and e-mails spent and made by Peter Bowles, Eric Curzon (Earl Howe), Peter Ingram and John James.

Finally, my thanks to my own family who have tolerated my relapse into nostalgia with good grace but who probably now see me as little more than an appendage of our computer.

David Maxwell

(Updated 28/12/21)


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