King's Mead School Chapel, Seaford
built by the boys and staff in 1926

The Chapel at King's Mead School was built in 1926 by the boys and masters with the aid of a carpenter and bricklayer using materials from a 17-18th Century barn near Ripe, Sussex. It was dedicated by the Bishop of St Albans in the same year. It was used as a place of worship up until the late 1980s but, following a change of ownership of the nursing home, it is now falling into disrepair.

A history of the chapel

In Memoriam:
The Roll of Honour

The School Hymn

Altar windows now preserved in the Seaford Museum
(October 2002)

Recent photographs of the Chapel

  The Chapel Chairs donated by boys leaving King's Mead

Local concern about and action on the Chapel

King's Mead hymn books

Photographs of King's Mead


King's Mead School Memorials – Seaford Monumental Inscriptions Group

1963 Appeal by the Headmaster for help with repairing the organThose who donated to this


An account of the auction led by Sidney James and David Jacobs raising funds for the Organ Appeal (page 7)

Sadly the King's Mead site has now been demolished and rebuilding is underway.

A last attempt to have parts of it, particularly the organ, preserved did not succeed.
A memorial garden has been created near the site of the swimming pool
The window sill memorial stones have been rescued by Tony Monnington, somewhat damaged.

"It is a place heavy with deeply affecting emotional memories for me and I imagine for most other Old Boys. I think of Old Boys whose names I cannot remember reading the Roll of Honour at Remembrance Services, with tears rolling down their cheeks. I think of Connie Brewer's heart- rending singing of "I know that my redeemer liveth" at a hastily arranged service to mark the death of George VI. I also think of "The day thou gavest..." on Sunday nights. Why did they always seem to have that after visiting week ends when all the tinies were already in tears! Random thoughts" .................................................................(1st November 2001: A KM Old Boy from the 1950s)




The new Chapel in 1926

1928 (the dovecote no longer exists)

1928 ? (but there is now a clock not present on
the photos above this)

1958 (by now extended)


The pond in the chapel garden (in the background the area where boys used to sleep during the summer term)

The Font

Black and white photos courtesy of Geoffrey Pollitt (1926), Hugh Lee (1927) and John Spencer-Smith (1955)

The final blows

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