School Customs, etc (Revised March 1966) |
IT has been found that some explanation of a few of the School regulations and customs in so far as they affect parents and boys is helpful to refer to. 1. TOYS: A boy may bring back to School with him books, games, toys, model boats and in the winter terms roller-skates (rubber wheels). He will keep all these, except boats and roller-skates, in his play-box. Please see that everything is clearly marked with his name. Sheath knives, pistols of any sort that can fire, explosives, matches, bottles of ink and wireless sets are not allowed. 2. MONEY: For the average boy � 10s - �2 is sufficient pocket money for the term. This will be banked on his arrival and he will be given a cheque book to use for purchases from the School Shop. 3. SWEETS: Boys bring back a few wrapped sweets, not more than a pound, at the beginning of term. These are " pooled " and handed round on Sundays at tea-time. In addition to this they are able to buy up to 10d worth of sweets twice a week at the School Shop. They have to " declare " any sweets brought into the School after going out. 4. FOOD: No one is allowed to have private supplies of food, except for birthday parties. (See para. 7.) 5. FRESH FRUIT: Boys are given fresh fruit daily, at no extra charge. 6. MEDICAL HISTORY SHEET: Please send this completed, together with his N.H. Medical Card and the form giving the name of your boy's last school, to the School Secretary at least one month before he joins us. 7. BIRTHDAYS: A boy is allowed a cake for his birthday party, to which he may invite up to seven others to join him. The cake should not weigh more than seven pounds. Crackers (not containing fireworks) may also be sent, and eight small cakes or 1/2 lb. of biscuits. Boys at the party have these in addition to the usual school tea. It is best that birthday cakes, crackers, etc., be sent to the School Matron. 8. " GOING OUT": Boys are allowed out with parents, friends or as guests of other boys two days a term on Saturdays or Sundays. This can be over one week-end or on separate occasions, whichever is preferred. In addition, in the Autumn and Summer Terms only, there is a Long Leave week-end in mid-term, when boys are allowed home for three nights. When you intend to take your boy out please inform the School Secretary (in writing whenever possible) by the Thursday before the weekend you expect to come. Boys may not go out the first two and last two week-ends of a term. New boys should not go out on their first three week-ends. At no time in the term are boys allowed into Cinemas or Theatres. Times allowed out normally: 9. CHAPEL SERVICES: Visiys
welcome at our Sunday Services, which are normally held
at the following times: Matins 11.30 a.m.; Evensong 6
p.m. 10. PENS AND PENCILS: Boys write in pencil until they have passed out of the two bottom forms. After that stage it is best for a boy to have his own fountain pen. Boys should have a pencil box or case and a supply of pencils. Boys do not use ball-pointed pens for school work. 11. WATCHES: A watch is useful for a Patrol Leader, but it is recommended that the younger boys do not bring them back to School. 12. READING MATTER: Parents are asked to ensure that the books boys bring back to School are suitable reading. Please see that all books are marked. The only " comics " allowed are " The Eagle" and "The Ranger". This rule also applies to Comic Annuals. Copies of some of the daily and Sunday newspapers are available in the Lounge for the boys to read. Individual copies can, of course, be ordered. Boys are able to draw books out of the School Library most days of the week. 13. GAMES: In addition to the usual games of cricket, soccer and rugger there is tennis for those interested, and .22 rifle shooting for those in the upper half of the School. Boys are given swimming and diving instruction in the School swimming bath. 14. ART: Boys in Forms IVB and below all have one period a week of Art in their curriculum. "Extra Art" lessons are available from the Art Master on a termly fee. 15. MUSIC: A11 boys attend at least one organised period of singing and musical appreciation every week. Members of the chapel choir have two practices a week. Instruction in the piano and other instruments is also, available as an extra. 16. CARPENTRY: Boys in Forms IVa and below all have one period a week of Carpentry instruction. " Extra Carpentry" lessons are available to those in higher Forms at a termly fee of two guineas plus the cost of materials used. 17. RIDING: Boys may have riding lessons from a qualified instructor at a nearby riding school. The approximate cost of the weekly lesson is 12s. 6d. Riding hat and jodhpurs are essential. 18. TENNIS COACHING: Two L.T.A. coaches visit the School in the Summer Term to give professional coaching. The approximate cost for the term is three guineas. If you want your boy to take part please write to the Headmaster during the Easter holidays. 19. " SETTLING-IN": When a new boy arrives at King's Mead he is put in the care of an older boy whose job it is to help him for the first week or so and show him the ropes. Parents will be 'phoned the first evening and told how their boys are settling in. Thereafter for the first week of the term they will receive a letter most days from Mrs. Barrett telling them how their boys are getting on. After about six weeks they will receive a " settling-in report, a copy of which goes to the boy's previous school. 20. LlNEN: A charge of 5 guineas is made when a boy first comes to school for use of bed linen during his entire time at King's Mead. No sheets or pillow-cases should be sent with him. 21. LETTER-WRITING. Every boy in the School writes a letter home at the week-end, and may also write letters on any other day of the week. These are stamped in the School office. It is not necessary for a boy to bring back his own supply of postage stamps. He should have a pad of lined writing-paper and envelopes. 22. In our experience the following
points help a new boy to make a smooth and confident
start. The ability to: 23. STANDARD OF WORK AT ENTRY: A new boy
entering the School at the age of eight to eight and a
half should be familiar with the following work in order
to take his place in the bottom form: EPGB |