Sir Jack Hobbs at King's Mead

Arguably the greatest opener in the history of the game, he and Herbert Sutcliffe represent one of the most famous opening partnerships of any team. He was a prolific scorer of runs for Surrey and England, scoring a record 197 centuries. He had the reputation of being particularly adept at being able to perform well on a sticky wicket. He received a knighthood in appreciation of his considerable contribution to the game.
It seems that that he visited King's Mead on a number of occasions, but it is not clear on what terms. Certainly he succeeded in increasing the sale of cricket bats emblazoned with his name.

At least one boy, and possibly more, achieved immortality by bowling him out:-

CG (Sandy) Sowerby (1926) and SE Verney (1927)

possibly also John Hissey (1938)

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