Outside the school.
((photos courtesy of EPG Barrett, c 1967-8, Richard Steel, John Spencer-Smith c 1955-6, Richard Wall, c 1963
and the Seaford Museum).....

Aerial view of King's Mead (click to enlarge)

First Game Pavilion

Second Game Pavilion

The new changing rooms (1958)

A school clock, presented by the Outcalt brothers

Swimming Pool c. 1956

The headmaster's garden, 1950s

The headmaster's garden ?1930s

The allotments

The boating pond (tennis court in rear)

The tennis court after the school had closed

Views of the Chapel

The chapel garden (in the background are the 'loggias' where boys occasionally used to sleep during the summer pre WWII)

Garden chairs donated by leavers and others

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