King's Mead School staff.(1936 &1967)

Peter Barrett and Mr Traynor (Assistant HM for final term) 1968
(courtesy EPGB)

Claude Selwyn and Michael Shellim c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)

Mr Traynor and M. Iseli c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)

Mr Haley c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)

Mr Haley
(courtesy EPGB)

John Welchman 1958
(courtesy John Spencer-Smith)

Mrs M Williams
(courtesy EPGB)


Major Stewart (courtesy Robin Barrett)

Chris Richards (with Richard Davis and siblings) c 1964


The school office and Connie Brewer c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)

Miss Sheaves c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)


Mr Thompson c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)

Mr Clipstone c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)


Shoe polishing c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)

Mr Wilding c. 1967
(courtesy EPGB)

Douglas Shilcock c. 1936
(courtesy Brigadier AG Heywood)

Mark Wheeler (French master) c. 1936 and ??
(courtesy Brigadier AG Heywood)

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